13. Aâsâvarî (Srî Gurû Granth Sâhib, p. 409)
Âroh : Sâ Re Mâ Pâ, Dhâ, Sâ
Avroh : Sâ Nee Dhâ, Pâ, Mâ Gâ Re Sâ
Swar : Gandhâr, Dhaiwat & Nishâd are komal. Rest
of the notes (swar) are shudha. Gandhâr and Nishâd are forbidden in ascent.
Thât : Âsâvarî
Jâtî : Aurav – Sampûran
Time : Second quarter of the day.
Vâdî : Dhaiwat (Dhâ)
Samvâdi : Gandhâr (Gâ)
Main swar : Re Mâ Pâ, Mâ Pâ Dhâ, Mâ Pâ Gâ, Re Sâ
Kirtankaar : Bibi Nivedita Singh