In Guru Granth Sahib raags have been arranged in such a way that the seeker of spiritual domains while treading through raags, climbs the ladder to the peak of success. By giving Sri Raag the first place Guru Sahib has shown us that the journey of the jiva began in the darkness of ignorance and by putting in efforts the jiva receives blessings and then comes the dawn of success. The anxiety, which was there in the beginning, now gets over and God Realisation is attained. Now Kama Krodha etc. will not come near. ‘kaam krodh sio thaatt n baniaa’ because I have heard and followed Guru Updesh, “gur oupadhaes mohi kaanee suniaa ”. After reaching here, differences between gender also get over because “Ete aurat maradaa saaje, eh sabh roop tumare” The many women and men that you have created, are all your forms . Out of all the morning raags Prabhaatee is a very melodious and unique morning raag.
Aroh : Sa Re Ga, Pa, Dha Saˆˆ
Avroh : Saˆˆ, Nee Dha Nee Pa, Ga Re, Sa
Sur : All the notes are sharp. ‘Ma’ and ‘Nee’ in ascending scale and ‘Ma’ in descending scale are forbidden notes.
Thaat : Bilawal
Jaati : Aurav – Charav
Time : First quarter of the morning
Vadi : Sharaj (Sa)
Prabhaatee Kabir ji ||(GGS-1349-50) Kirtan Kaar: Dr. Jagir Singh Chandigarh
Aval aleh noor oupaaeiaa kudarat kae sabh bandae |eaek noor tae sabh jag oupajiaa koun bhalae ko mandae |1|logaa bharam n bhoolahu bhaaee |khaalik khalak khalak mehi khaalik poor rehiou srab tthaaee |1| rahaao |maattee eaek anaek bhaat kar saajee saajanehaarai |naa kachh poch maattee kae bhaaddae naa kachh poch kunbhaarai |2|sabh mehi sachaa eaeko soee tis kaa keeaa sabh kachh hoee |hukam pachhaanai s eaeko jaanai bandaa keheeai soee |3|alahu alakh n jaaee lakhiaa gur gurr deenaa meetaa |kehi kabeer maeree sankaa naasee sarab niranjan ddeetaa |4|3|
Prabhaatee Mehalaa 1 || (GGS-1329-30) Kirtan Kaar: Bhai Tejpal Singh, Bhai Surinderpal Singh(Singh Bandu)