The concise articles of various scholars and well-wishers are but homage paid to Baba Sucha Singh. Along with paying homage, every writer has endeavoured to highlight the historic importance of the Baba’s multi-dimensional and multi-institutional task. The motif of the book is the cultural and religious importance of Gurdwara Gur Gyan Parkash Which has become the nucleus of multi-attitudinal and multi –cultural interpretation of Sikh heritage at an international level. The Baba appeared on the scene at a time when Sikh heritage was being viewed with a very narrow outlook. Its vast perspectie of global fraternity was being ignored altogether.
The special contribution of Baba Sucha Singh, which every writer of this book has underlined, is the Shabad-music of Guru Granth Sahib, This is an unprecedented venture to encompass the classical music, folk-music and sufi music which man in harmony with the cosmic music and endows him with spiritual bonanza. It eliminates many kinds of contradictions and dualities. Notating 31 Ragas of Guru Granth Sahibby instituting a committee of experts, was an invaluable effort.
Rejuvenating the tradition of intellectual discussion initiated by Guru Nanak Dev in the Sikh Praxis so that multi-perspective and altruistic of Sikh heritage, was a grand attempt. Due to their political and other such like reservations, universities and other religio-cultural organizations had lagged far behind on this track. The global Punjabi brotherhood will always remember the Baba’s zeal and responsibility for performing this task all alone. With these words I dedicate this book to the memories of Baba Sucha Singh.